
Monthly online give-o-way

On OprahMag.com we featured a monthly Give-O-Way for visitors of the site to enter and win a select item from that month’s issue. Our corresponding e-newsletters that goes out to 25,000 opt-in subscribers also drives to this giveaway as a means to spread the word. I handled legal, picked the prize item, created the monthly online entry form, and completed execution of the prize.


issue letter sweeps

Our issue letter is created for clients to give insight as to what they can expect editorially in the corresponding month’s issue. With this, we would offer a sweepstakes prize for those who answer our sales representatives with an answer to the question posed in the letter. I created the question and picked an item from the O list as a prize.


Monthly e-blasts sweeps

As a means to generate excitement around an upcoming issue to clients/agencies, in 2019 I produced a monthly e-blast to give brands a preliminary editorial sneak-peek as to what they can expect in upcoming issues. As a means to get their attention, we included a sweepstakes with a high-value item that will be featured in the magazine. The first 5 respondents were rewarded with the sweepstakes prize.